Cafe & Grill


A cafe opposite the Toranomon Hills, standing at the intersection with Shintora-dori Avenue. The unique interior with connected containers creates a refreshing atmosphere with the sun shining through the large windows. The most popular is the voluminous GMC burger. 100% beef juicy patties and slightly sweet original buns are exquisitely delicious. Lunch time is until 15:00, so it's perfect for a late lunch. At night, it becomes a bar where you can relax in a calm mood. In addition to enjoying a wide range of wines and cocktails, you can also enjoy draft beer, draft beer below freezing and ice cold as a Budweiser branding shop.

store information

business hours

平日:11:00〜22:00(L.O.フード 21:00 /ドリンク 21:30)
土:8:00〜22:00(L.O.フード 21:00 /ドリンク 21:30)

Closed on Sundays and holidays

Number of seats

店内 :60席 テラス :56席

The average budget

ランチ:¥1,100 / ディナー:¥2,500
